Mar 13, 2006

Interesting Biography on E. Stanley Jones

I have been reading this guy and really enjoying it. Here is a taste of his thoughts on sharing Christ with India;
Then the dawning came - and what a dawning! I saw that everything they brought up was the Word become word, and what the gospel presented was the Word become flesh. 'Be like the sandalwood tree' - that is an exhortation, the word of forgiveness become word. But Jesus hanging on a cross and praying 'Father forgive them' was not the word of forgiveness become word: it was the word of forgiveness become flesh. Prajapati, the Lord of Creatures, giving himself in sacrifice for them is a stray verse in the Rig-Veda, with no historical basis that Prajapati ever gave himself in sacrifice. It is the word of sacrifice become word. But Jesus dying on the cross for us is not the word of sacrifice become word: it is the Word of Sacrifice become flesh. As for Shiva drinking the poison, Shiva himself is legendary and his drinking the poison is also legendary. But Jesus dying on a cross between two thieves as one of them and crying the cry of dereliction, 'My God, why hast thou forsaken me?' - the cry we cry when we sin - is not the Word of identification with our sins become word: it is the Word become flesh
This Word become word and this Word become flesh - here is the profound and decisive difference between the Christian faith and all others. It separates them not in degree but in kind. All other faiths are philosophies or moralisms - man's search upward. The gospel is God's search downward. Religions are man's search for God; the gospel is God's search for man. There are many religions, but one gospel.
Therefore, the method of comparative religions, studying which idea is in which religion, is beside the point. It is comparing incomparable things - the Word become word and the Word become flesh. Therefore it is all beside the point and hence pointless.
E. Stanley Jones, "A Song of Ascents"

1 comment:

John said...

Good stuff, Stu! "Philosophies and moralisms" of religious thought will always remain a figment of men's imaginations and fails to correspond to reality.

The Gospel is God's foretelling of truth, His revelatory acts in history at real points in time and space, and God's interpretation of His work in time and space. God's revelatory act of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth is the highwater mark of God's work in this fallen world. It is true "truth" that corresponds to reality and happened in space and time. No other religion can compare.

Oh, it is a sweat truth.

Resurrection Hope

Why does the Christian perspective seem so weird? Why does gospel teaching seem so disconnected and impractical? It is only weird and impra...